Mesopotamia Civilization 兩河流域文明
1000 B.C. - 700 B.C.
≈Φ9.5 / h23 cm
An alabastron is a small type of pottery or glass vessel used in the ancient world for holding oil, especially perfume or massage oils. They originated around the 11th century BC in ancient Egypt as containers carved from alabaster – hence the name – and spread via ancient Greece to other parts of the classical world.
Alabastron 是古代用來盛放香油(香氛或按摩油用途)的手執型陶器,羅馬也有玻璃器的出土。為祭司、神職人員及貴族用器,一方面也用來彰顯階級身份。這種器皿起源於西元前11世紀的古埃及文明,當時使用一種雪花石膏 Alabastron 製作雕刻而成,因而得名。後藉由古希臘傳播至其他的世界古文明。
collected by gallery pond